Am I Too Young To Start Paying For Life Insurance?
Posted: August 13, 2019
People in their 20s and 30s may believe that they are too young to need life insurance. In some cases, they may put off purchasing life insurance to pay off other debts. The truth is that buying life insurance young can save you money. Typically, the younger you are when you purchase a policy, the less you will pay in premiums. Why It Is Cheaper...
Can I Have As Many Life Insurance Beneficiaries As I Want?
Posted: July 23, 2019
When you purchase life insurance, choosing your beneficiaries is a challenging yet crucial step in the process. Who to name as your beneficiaries is something only you can decide. You have the option to name more than one beneficiary, which can be accomplished by assigning a percentage of your life insurance benefits among two or more people on your application. There is no set limit...